Sunday, November 23, 2014

Mahakam Back to Pertamina

Mahakam Back to Pertamina
by Ahmad Khoirul Basyar

Last week, Indonesia decided to erase the subsidies of gasoline. Whether it is good or bad decision, we should believe our government that policy will bring our nation to the good era of energy. Another news of energy is Mahakam block which is developed by TOTAL EP on 2017 will give it back to Pertamina with 2 alternatives. First, it gives back 100% to Pertamina. Second, joint mechanism with TOTAL and the compensation Pertamina will get the TOTAL’s block overseas. Both of the contracts are good for our energy storage.
Mahakam is one of the oil and gas field which is big and geological identic in Indonesia. Mahakam is a delta system which is sedimentation dominated by river and tidal waves. Mahakam have a potential for oil more than 50 million barrel and gas among 2.5 TCF (Trillion cubic feet) in the last of 2017. It will be helping our energy consumption. However, the big potential have big problem too. Pertamina needs a technology which is supported to exploit the hydrocarbons more deeper than now. Pertamina will be agree with high pressure and high temperature (HPHT) condition. That’s a challenge for engineer, because when we solved the problem we may get more hydrocarbons than the prediction. Otherwise, Mahakam is a big field, a lot of block have not explored yet. Thus, there will be another hydrocarbon potential for us.
How if we do not get 100% of Mahakam Block? We got compensation from TOTAL and have the right to develop TOTAL block overseas. By developing block overseas, our energy storage will be increased. Besides that, the portfolio of Pertamina will be added and help them for being global energy company.    

Friday, November 21, 2014

Kenaikan BBM

Kenaikan BBM
oleh Ahmad Khoirul Basyar

Kenaikan BBM terjadi sejak hari Selasa, 18 November 2014. Banyak protes terjadi dimana pun, mulai menginginkan penurunan kembali BBM sampai menurunkan Presiden terpilih. Sebagai seorang mahasiswa yang sedikit belajar mengenai keenergian saya melihat ada ketidakbenaran dalam hal ini.

Penggunaan BBM di Indonesia menurut Bapak Rovicky berada pada daerah moderately efficient dengan produktivitas rendah. Artinya penggunaan bahan bakar kita tidak lah membantu manusia-manusia di Indonesia untuk memperoleh keuntungan berupa uang atau kegiatan bermanfaat. Penggunaan BBM di Indonesia masih digunakan untuk kebut-kebutan di jalan, atau males jalan dan menggunakan motor untuk berkegiatan. Hal itu sangat disayangkan karena BBM merupakan energy yang lama dalam proses pembaruan. Butuh waktu ber juta-juta tahun untuk membentuknya. Reservoir di Indonesia rata-rata berumur Miosen akhir sampai pliosen (7 juta tahun yang lalu) dengan cadangan terbukti hanya sekitar 3,7 miliar barel (Partowidagdo, 2011). Selain itu dalam pengambilan atau eksploitasi minyak dan gas Bumi bisa dianalogikan mencari sehelai rambut ditengah lumpur, susah dan penuh ketidakpastian. Akan tetapi, biaya dalam eksploitasinya begitu mahal, satu sumur kira-kira memiliki biaya sekitar 2 juta dolar amerika per sumurnya. Begitu mahal sehingga harga juga mahal. Saat ini harga minyak mentah dunia berkisar pada nilai 81 dolar amerika per barelnya atau bisa dikatan Rp6.200,00/liter. Minyak tersebut pastinya perlu diolah dan dijadikan premium atau pertamax (versi Pertamina). Sehingga harga minyak bisa jadi menjadi Rp9000,00/liter.
Selama ini BBM kita disubsidi, artinya harga yang dijual lebih murah dari harga sebenarnya. Hal tersebut bertujuan untuk menyelamatkan masyarakat kecil dari tingkat inflasi yang tinggi. Akan tetapi dalam kenyataannya pengguna BBM 53% digunakan oleh warga perkotaan yang notabennya merupakan pengguna mobil dan motor. Oleh karena itu bisa dikatakan subsidi ini salah sasaran. Perlu suatu terobosan dan keberanian pemerintah untuk merubah manusia Indonesia untuk penggunaan BBM ini. Salah satunya yaitu dengan menaikkkannya. Hal tersebut pertama akan berakibat, inflasi naik akibat naiknya harga distribusi barang tetapi akan mengurangi tingkat pembelian BBM. Bisa jadi masyarakat yang awalnya suka menggunakan motor dan mobil mulai mengurangi dalam penggunaannya dan beralih menuju transportasi publik. Selain itu dari sisi APBN, penggunaan APBN untuk subsidi BBM dapat dialokasikan menuju hal yang lebih tepat seperti peningkatan infrastruktur sosial (sekolah, rumah sakit, balai pengobatan, dll) atau infrastruktur umum (jalan, rel kereta, bandara, dll) atau bahkan program-program lain yang akan lebih tepat untuk membantu masyarakat kecil.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Summer Internship

by Ahmad Khoirul Basyar

Long holiday always got by students on summer. Yet, not all students got good chance for developing their selves. In my summer holiday 2014 within May – August, I did my internship in Nusantara Infrastructure for 2.5 months. On the first month I spent my time with Corporate Affair team. At the first time, I felt nervous in the new ’old’ community. I just kept silence and looked around me and what they have done and interacted with others. Day by day, I have adapted, come on the early morning and back on the late night.

A lot of skills I got. It is a fantastic for sophomore student like me when other students did the refreshing I took my refreshing by adapting me in the new environment. However, I felt skill is easy to get, now I asked to myself just the skill you got? I reflected myself and analyzed everything in the new environment start from Indonesian habit in Transjakarta, train, and office. Everything has the pattern and if you know the pattern it can be easily and more profitable for you live in Jakarta. Indonesian people have the unique habits, like giving smile to each other and having good conversation and sharing is the best way the real Indonesian like. A lot of life learning teach by people in public transportation while the journey to go to office. Understanding the other people and their trouble live in capital city like Jakarta is important for shaping our character and creating our vision for our lovely nation, Indonesia, somedays when we become the leader.
The important I got is in office. I interact with all people, I studied and analyzed what he/she liked to talk and tried to involve. Starting from office boy to general manager, all of them have their own interesting topic to talk. From there, I upgrade my horizon widely. The real world is not about engineer but the real world is about synergizing each complement in same vision and goal.
The second lesson is about humanity. Javanese people have simple and meaningful quotation that says Nguwongke Uwong in bahasa Indonesia is Mengorangkan Orang. This is that we almost forget, however human is human we need to treat everyone as human. Almost people right now think if they have succeeded they forget whence they come from. They almost made the gap between richest, middle, and poor. God create us as a one called human. When we put human as human so the good feedback will we got someday. I have proven it in the internship, day by day I did it and in the last day of my intern everyone help me and volunteered my presentation so the presentation was success. Mr. Ramdani said the successful people is determined two factor, first 85% as attitude and the rest is skill. So being good people is important for me, you, and the world.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Power of Sharing

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do four your country," John F. Kennedy

Indonesia is a biggest island country in the world, every island separated by sea. Therefore, we have a lot of ethnic groups and culture. But, our development plan has been ran well yet. We have a lot of homework although in the big City.
We still have street child.So many children life under fly over. They do not have permanent home. Now we can ask to ourselves what can we do for them?

Sharing is a simple word. Giving something to them and you got something from them, it is not always goods, but their life story is important for us to 'upgrade' our humanity. Some of them have a noble dream just like us. They strive to be the best and reach their dream even they shy to show it up. This is our task, help them to know their potential and support them for giving their best in every chance they have.   

Hopefully, every single in this nation can share each other, understand the problem and try to solve it. As a big vision, we can build this country together. Together we can!

Soekarno ever said "Kekeluargaan adalah suatu faham yang statis, tetapi gotong-royong menggambarkan satu usaha, satu amal, satu pekerjaan, yang dinamakan anggota terhormat Soekardjo satu karyo, satu gawe." 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Graduation is not an event for showing your university up.
 Graduation is a sign for you, to implement your knowledge for your country in your own field. The society need a CHANGE although it just simple and minor,  you are born as a change-maker and lead the society foe being better.

Untuk Tuhan, Bangsa, dan Almamater

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Nature and I

God create our world in comfort condition. He shows to us how is big of Him in nature. Here some picture of Heaven miniature in Indonesia.

                                                         Hawu Mountain- Padalarang

Hawu mountain is a good carbonate outcrop we found in East Java. Here, you can found the coral from branch until the head coral.

                                                         Curug Malela - West Bandung

Curug Malela is one of the beautiful waterfall in Indonesia. Some of people says this is the miniature of Niagara fall.
                                                         Padalarang - Bandung

The third place I don't know the exactly name. It places on Padalarang, Bandung. The rock consist of siltstone that made a parallel lamination and got tectonic so the lamination was vertical.

Nature teach me how a big of God and His power to create the Earth and Universe.

STUDENTSxCEOs Summit 2014 - Wempy Dyocta Koto

Everybody wants to be entrepreneur, but a little number of people who realize on their own business. I believe there is something different between them and we will curious what is that? Starting up the business is about us, yourself. As entrepreneur we should believe every step we did and every obstacle we faced will make us better. At that time, Uda Wempy said “Don’t be weaked to yourself!”
The key of success is on you, just you. How people put believes in you if you are not believe on yourself? As individual, improving our capability is important in business world. Education is the first thing that we have for our insight about world. By education your road to mind will be made. Education is not always school, but education is about sense to learn about knowledge, skills, and habit of group both on school or just autodidact.
You have made inner yourself is the best but it is not enough. Some people say environment of us is supporting our mind and habit for being success. Also in business, our friend is important. By friend we can help and motivate each other for being success. It is important to have a good friend. Good friend will keep our step still stay on the right paths.
Now, do you still worry to your ability for being entrepreneur? Believe in you will be succeed and always force yourself to be shine everywhere. Good luck, let’s being a future business leader in Indonesia.
A life meaning is better than a life of wealth by Wempy Dyocta Koto